We would like to give credit to Charles Sturt University Library for giving permission to use aspects of their Primo Search Help guide in the creation of our Page 1+ guide.
Once you click the search button, you will be taken to the results page. By default, your search will retrieve a list of 10 results per page. You can expand this number to 25 or 50 results per page option at the bottom of the list. From the brief item description, you can identify the most important information of the record such as the resource type (journal, book, article, video, etc.), title(s) of item, author/editor, date, organization, and where it is available (online or physical location).
Before the results list you will see the page number (PAGE 1) and the number of results retrieved (32,600 RESULTS). You will also see a box that will tell you the number of records from the list you have selected with the pin icon ( Add this item). You can choose up to 50 items to pin.
Some records may indicate there are multiple versions found for an item. What this mean is that this item has multiple editions or different formats available. You can click the link to see the list of items records.
By clicking on the title of an item, you will open full item record details.
On this screen you will see the item details repeated and the following headings appear (depending on the item) to help you navigate the record:
Brief item records have a number of actions provided without opening the full item record. On the right side of the item record the permalink, email and pin icons are visible.
If you click on the ellipses (…) the same actions available that appear in the “Sent to” list.