We would like to give credit to Charles Sturt University Library for giving permission to use aspects of their Primo Search Help guide in the creation of our Page 1+ guide.
You can save a single record by selecting the pin icon to the right of each search result. All saved records will turn yellow your search results so they can be clearly identified in future search and a line will appear in through the pin icon.
You can also save multiple records. Select the check boxes on the left side of all the records you want to save, then click the pin icon at the top of the list. Add to Favourites box will appear, click it again to save all the records selected.
Removing Records from Favourites
To remove save records click the pin icon. You can do this from individual record or in bulk by selecting the records from the list and click on the pin icon at the top.
To help organize your saved records you can add labels. There are a few ways to do this.
You can add a label to the selected records when saving them in your search query.
There are two ways to add labels to selected records in you My Favourites screen. To organize multiple records under one label, click the ADD LABELS beside the pencil icon.
Then select New and type in name for label for your selected items.
To add a single record to a label, click ADD LABELS which is available within the brief record display.
You can add records to existing labels by clicking on the + icon for both single and multiple records.
Where to Find Labels?
Labels you create will appear in the right column. You can sort the records by date added, title, and author.
Removing Labels
To remove labels, select the pencil icon and click the X next to the existing label.
Here are other actions you can do with the saved records: