We would like to give credit to Charles Sturt University Library for giving permission to use aspects of their Primo Search Help guide in the creation of our Page 1+ guide.
Filters help you narrow your results by sorting through and reducing the number of records that appears in your search. When using the filters, you can eliminate unnecessary records from your results. Using multiple filters at the same time helps to retrieve a very specific results list. Filters may also be called refiners, limiters, or (in the case of Page 1+) facets.
How to filter using Page 1+:
Your applied filters will appear at the top of the right column under Active Filters. You have the following options available to manage your filters:
You can select the resource from Resource Type category.
When conducting your search, make sure the Expand My Results switch in the right column with the filters is toggled off so you only get results from St. Clair College resources. It will remain grey in colour.
If you have the Expand My Results switch toggled on (it will turn green), you will get search results not only from St. Clair College, but other Ontario College Libraries.
You will be able to see more item records, many of which you may not have access to because they are not included in the library collections and resources.
However, if this is an item you need, please contact the library to discuss options about getting access. You can also recommend an item for purchasing by filling out our Library Purchase Request form. Library staff will review your recommendation and determine if it meets the criteria for our collection.
Please see our Collection Development Policy for more information about our resource selection process.