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Misinformation March

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Welcome to the Misinformation March Guide!

What is Misinformation March? It's a month long event dedicated to learning about the dangers of mis-and-dis-information, how to recognize fake news, and deepfakes. Discover useful strategies and techniques for evaluating resources. Learn more about information and media literacy, and gain some new skills. Explore this guide to better help yourself arm against mis-and-dis-information.

For more information about Misinformation March, please visit us in the library.

A Game of Headlines

How to play!

As news passes from one source to another, it can sometimes change.

Can you figure out the order in which the misinformation spread?

Rearrange the headlines and find out the truth!

Always seek out the original source, when possible, to help verify facts and weed out misinterpretations and falsehoods.

Misinformation March by Kimberly Daigneau & Victoria Levang is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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